Secret · 10mo

Saw your tweet about you thinking of stopping posting audios and like I'd miss you etc but why can't you post your audios on normal websites like Reddit, YouTube or something? I remember you used to post them on YouTube before and Newgrounds why did you stop doing it. Like what the hell is even this site I'm sending this ask I never even heard about it! Your stuff is great but if you post it on websites people have never heard of it's gonna be hard to get recognition. You could keep a website for paid audios but post a few free ones/previews on YT, Reddit or Newgrounds

I DID post on reddit and I got nothing (no feedback, no conversion, no sales). I DO post on YT and not only do I get no engagement but YT rules have gotten so freakin strict even the short sfw stuff I do post gets me in trouble. I DID post on newgrounds and again NO ENGAGEMENT.

I know you make think you know what you're talking about looking from the outside in but I do the analytics, I post to the websites, I actually know what gets me what I want.

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