Anonymous Coward · 5y

Everyone keeps saying the public toilets are super clean in Japan, but do you think it’s just a result of their culture? They get students to clean up in school to learn their mess affects others.

To me the public toilets were about the same as any toilets I've been to before. But without any of the vandalism and the toilets also actually FLUSH.
The whole making students share cleaning duties I think is a huge fucking thing for why there is far less filth and litter over there than in america. Cleaning being a DUTY and not a PUNISHMENT is what reinforces a sense of community. Because it's more often a punishment for students here, it just reinforces that shitty attitude people have towards workers they see as serfs, failures, deadbeats.
You see parents yelling at their children when they pick up litter in a public restaurant "DON'T DO THAT, LET THE WORKERS DO THAT"

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