Anonymous Coward · 5y

Why is it that Western otaku make a big deal over paying for stuff, despite how price tags are much more insane for anime BDs in Japan with generally lower wages? JP fans may not complain but the amount of sales are insanely low too.

I think buying/pre ordering blu ray volumes for currently airing anime in japan that you like as they release is the ideal way to go.
You're watching broadcasting anime and there is one you already are floored with.
First volume is up for pre-order and you get it after getting paid.
Next month the second volume goes on pre-order and you get that.
This way the purchase is spread out and you don't break your bank.
Buying all volumes at once will absolutely wreck your wallet.
But with localized blu rays and such, I just think the localization companies are desperate to make a profit from sales, despite the fact that the sales overseas literally have nothing to do with whether the anime will get another season or not. It's determined mostly by pre-orders in japan.
In the end, I think I'd end up buying tons more manga and light novels because of how cheap they are, and bigger purchases would go to eroge. Video games are expensive as well but they go on sale at select stores.

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