Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Liolio. · 2 answers · 6mo

Teman-teman, pernah ngerasain gak kalau kalian sadar lagi jatuh cinta atau tertarik sama seseorang, tapi sadar kalau kalian gak seharusnya merasakan itu, karena... beda aja gitu? Terus, terus, apa yang bakal kalian lakuin?

Pernah, somehow I can already see how it will end but it depends. I personally think to have this kind of feeling one sided would be better because all I have to do is keep telling myself that they're not into me and it'd be easier for me to slowly erase this feeling. But if the feeling is mutual, that would be the two of us to think about. “Beda” shouldn't keep you away from the possibility of being in love, they said. You and the person can try to figure things out what's best. So by all means.. just give it a try and find out what they think about you, maybe?

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