Chris CM. Martinez · 5 answers · 3y

u ever think u would live in a world where u aren't allowed to work, or go out and eat? That's the fear I have with global warming. If they create a big enough threat they can take ur rights away. When do we get to enforced birth control?

Sigh. They're not "creating" the threat, they're reacting to it. If they take way our "right" to work or go out to eat, then it's because it's necessary. Nobody gains from enforcing such things, and it would never be a popular enough idea to be able to happen unless most people realized it's necessary, so it's not like they're just out to take away your rights. You should be more concerned about the severely threatened future of the earth than the convenience of your lifestyle.

Though of all the things they may do that you won't like, taking away your right to work or your right to go out and eat seem like rather obscure concerns. The concerns are probably the result of fear-mongering, though the things they actually may enforce may be just as limiting if not more so. Dunno if enforced birth control will ever be necessary, or if they'd go so far as to implement it even if it were necessary (it may be too unpopular), but IMO it'd be a great thing even now.

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