Kate Matsuda · 8 answers · 1y

Did your parents ever approve of your friend you brought home? Did your mom think your love interest was a good person? What did she say?

By 'friend' I guess you mean love interests? I brought one girl home in about 2000 that they never met. Nobody was home while she was here. We did sexitime. Another girl I brought home in about 2006, I don't remember my parents saying anything about her then, but we got back together (as friends, I guess) in about 2016 and she's visited us a few times since then, my mom kept getting upset at her and at one point said, "this is the last straw" or something like that, but IMO the problem was just that my friend is kinda out of it nowadays which makes her difficult, it's not like she's "bad". Another girlfriend I never brought here, but we visited her in the Philippines, at first my mom thought she might be a scammer, she changed her mind eventually, she likes her AFAIK but she did kinda resent that they diddn'ttell her how much they'd be expecting her to spend on our tour of the Philippines they took us on.

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