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Do you consider yourself to be spiritual? Tell me about your beliefs. (I myself am a spiritually curious atheist.)
Yes, I'm very spiritual (in beliefs if not in practice). I feel like it would be a lot of writing to convey all of my spiritual beliefs and why I have them, but maybe I can give an overview. I believe in God, which is the level of being at which all beings are unified. It's the intelligent cosmos. In Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, God says, "I am everything that is, everything that is not, and everything in between." I like this because it gives a sense of the utter completeness and unboundedness of God. I believe reality is unbounded, there is no end to largeness of existence, you can zoom out infinitely and there will always be more and more "stuff." I tentatively think that physical reality is a smaller subset of a larger spiritual reality. Or, since spiritual reality is endless, there's probably an infinite number of physical realities, whether they're all part of one manifold and/or they're interspersed with rarity throughout spiritual reality. I tend toward panpsychism/pantheism/animism/idealism. I think individual atoms have awareness. Though, paradoxically, I think matter itself might be some kind of projection of consciousness based on things I've experienced. I believe we all have souls, bodies and minds (also, probably astral bodies, etheric bodies, etc.), and that, on the ultimate level, we are all God. I believe God created the Universe, separating himself into many parts so that He could experience Himself through all parts witnessing all other parts and the greater whole. I believe telepathy and other parapsychological phenomena are real. I believe auras are real. I believe tarot drawing isn't just random. I have reasons for all my beliefs, but I'm not getting into them in this post. I believe God doesn't judge and unconditionally loves all beings. I believe there's probably many levels of density, different worlds analogous to this one both "above" and "below" it. Below it is more pain and suffering, less magic, biological beings probably look less aesthetic (more hellish), etc. Above it is more magic and more happiness, more freedom, more hydration (maybe just a kind of spiritual "hydration"), more aesthetic biological organisms, more closeness to spirit and to God, etc. I believe the Mandela effect is real, and this world is made up of a kind of pastiche of collectively created realities. For example, when traveling to other countries, some people may notice their biology subtly changing. I believe in chi, chakras, etc. I believe there are probably angels. I believe we probably have guides, but I'm not sure if they're separate beings or just aspects of ourselves. I believe there may be "demonic" spirits, but they're just dark/lost/immature souls, they're not a separate class of being or minions of the devil or anything. I don't believe there's a devil. I don't believe in the Christian hell. Reality is full of heavens and hells, but none of them are permanent. I believe in reincarnation and the afterlife. I believe in communication with those who have passed over. I believe in ghosts and poltergeist. I believe the past (and probably the future) are somehow intimately connected with the present, so that you can actually affect or create the past from the present (but, once you've observed something from the past, you can't change what you've already observed). I believe in manifestation, vision boards, etc. I guess I'll stop there.
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