Kate Matsuda · 6 answers · 8mo

American/Canadian expats being in Germany are baffled by the following cultural differences: Germans are so direct/blunt it borders on rudeness, everybody is so silent and calm and you feel embarrassed by your normal loudness in comparison. To be honest the only thing I heard expats complain about was the lack of service everywhere. Know more? Do you have some experience? Prejudices even? Please share!

I've read a couple of times that in Walmarts in Germany, employees were instructed to smile at, greet, be nice to, etc. customers, and Germans didn't like it because it seemed so fake, or they mistook the employees' smiles, etc. as them coming onto them.

Regarding Americans' loud voices, I think that's more of an American thing than low voices is a particularly German thing. My then-girlfriend visited me here in the US from Norway in 2006, and she said Americans all spoke really loud, or at least American guys did, as if to impose their manliness or whatever.

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