Kate Matsuda · 7 answers · 8mo

Proposal: We made smoking tobacco a socially awkward and disgusting habit and outlawed it to boot. In the name of health. That transition only took 20 years from a generally acceptable public habit of everybody to a crime. Now why the fuck cannot we do the same with climate ruining habits?

Smoking is a very specific, limited aspect of life compared to what would have to be changed to make human lifestyles sustainable. The compromises would have to be broad, immense and profound. People are, of course, too dumb, shortsighted and insulated to ever realize how necessary this is, so they'll never be willing to put up with the extreme inconvenience. There's also the problem that the rich get richer off of economy activity, which would have to generally be drastically lowered, and the rich of course use their power and influence to corrupt government and prevent it from implementing necessary regulations.

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