Kate Matsuda · 9 answers · 3mo

What are your markers of success? How well you slept at night? How easily to be brought to laugh? How good to bear shitty humans? None of these? Why?

For me personally, the last thing you listed is kind of spot on for a marker of success. I'm very judgmental, and I want to be not judgmental at all. I want to love and see the value in/true nature of everyone.

For people in general, that's one marker of success, but another one is not feeling the need to lash back at someone who insults them. That's really rare. Also, being able to forgive people for heinous crimes against them or their family. Another one is not feeling the need to seek validation, for someone who has a history of trauma, neglect, etc. A major one is being at peace...with oneself, one's situation, the world, whatever. Another is the ability to get what one wants. Another is being nice to homeless people, animals, service workers, etc., and generally uplifting anyone you meet. Another is getting a book published, hehe. I know, everyone wants to write a book.. =P Another one is the tendency to stand up for others, especially those who are looked down on by society, oppressed, etc., or even people/groups who are disliked or oppressed in some ways but are socially dominant. Especially if the person in question doesn't belong to the group they're defending and may even belong to a group that's typically opposed to it.

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