Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

mx · 10 answers · 10mo

𓊈 ✧ 𓊉⠀𝐀sk—𝐚ll:
QoTD && SoTD except the QoTD
is fucking ridiculous
𓊈 ✧ 𓊉⠀𝐒oTD:Rainy Girl by Guchiry
𓊈 ✧ 𓊉⠀𝐐oTD:NFT son or Astrology

Astrology daughter. There's nothing wrong with astrology, see my essay at , and NFTs are a stupid fad, paying for an image when you can get millions of equally good images on the web for free and you don't even really own the image anyway, you get neither the copyright nor a license. And anyone can copy it if they want to. Such a stupid thing could only exist as a short-lived fad, only popular because of its novelty and because w00 blockchains, the best thing since Betty White. NFT owners all became pyramid scheme pushers, trying to convince others that NFTs are valuable so they can sell their NFTs and leave someone else with the loss.

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