ren · 7 answers · 14d

Hello retrosrping asking this again: Samurai, Cowboy or Pirate???????_?$?!?????

I wouldn't want to be a pirate. They were confined to their ships all the time, were filthy, and made a living off of thieving from others and killing innocent people. And there wasn't much safety being a pirate due to all the battles they engaged in, as well as the lack of medical care, and also the lack of vitamin C which often resulted in scurvy.

I don't really like cowboy culture either, they're all a bunch of rednecks, their hats look ridiculous, and they exploit animals. And they're uneducated/ignorant, conservative and homophobic, and I hate their deeply humanistic, illogical mannerisms. I also have the impression that being a cowboy is a lot of work--dirty work--, and I can't stand labor.

So I'd rather be a samurai. Also, samurais had mad skills.

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