Lottie · 5 answers · 14d

Qotd ummmn do u have any stuffed animals ? if u do whats ur fav ...

I have a bunch of stuffed animals sitting on the top shelves of my three adjoined metal shelving units. For the most part they're stuffed animals that look especially pretty to me, such as psychedelic ones. One of them is the stuffed teddy bear that I had at least since I was five, now with one missing eye. I'm not sure what my favorite is, I don't even remember most of what I have without looking. The teddy bear is probably the most meaningful to me, but definitely not one of the best-looking ones. The best-looking one is probably one of the really colorful ones. I used to have a glossy vivid blue-green and white one that I really liked, but it got destroyed. I once asked my friend who was over if she liked it, and she said "No." So rude. =P

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