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Ψ · 18 answers · 9mo

Do you know latin?

No, but it would be cool if I did. I tried studying the language before, but the many cascading tables of tense, person, part of speech, gender, plurality, conjugations and declensions, or whatever were way too much for me to try to memorize. I thought about learning Latin Sine Flexione instead, but it felt too much like playing in the special Olympics. Some Latin phrases I know are
E pluribus unum - Out of many, one
Ex contradictione quodlibet - From a contradiction, anything follows
Ex post facto - I don't remember - after the fact?
De facto - in reality as opposed to technically, or something like that
Ad hoc - Made up for the situation
A priori - like a prior or first principle, an idea that comes first
Post hoc ergo propter hoc - After, therefore because of - the fallacy that B happened after A therefore A caused B
Pro bono - for free, I think? regarding legal services
Anno domini - the year of our Lord
Ad hominem - to the person - the fallacy of attacking the person's character rather than the idea
Ad infinitum - and so on and so on infinitely
Et cetera - and others
Et alia - and others
Argumentum ad absurdum - to prove an idea wrong by showing that it leads to an absurdity
Quand est providi - QED - thus it is proven
Salve - hello, goodbye
I know more but I can't think of them atm.

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