Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Shan · 7 answers · 1mo

How often do you upgrade your laptop/computer.

I only upgrade when I have a specific reason to, like it breaks, or it no longer supports some app I want to run. I was using a Galaxy S6 for a few years up until 2022, when the battery started going bad and also one of the games I'd play on it was no longer supported by the OS, so I got an S22 Ultra, and I've been using that since. My current desktop PC I got in 2018 or 2019, before that I'm pretty sure I was using a gaming laptop that I had gotten in 2010. My laptop I use now is probably not much younger than my desktop PC. Though it may be about time for a new Wi-Fi and Bluetooth recently stopped working, and the laptop's been randomly rebooting for years. Though I ordered a new Wi-Fi & Bluetooth module today to see if that solves the problem, we'll see how that goes, I don't get it until Jan. 8th at the earliest.

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