Arman · 11 answers · 4y

What do you hate about your parents?

My dad often (OK, sometimes) yells and cusses at people, he's nasty. But he's 10x better than he used to be. I think he likes to dominate too.

My mom also seems to be very dominating, but since I've been close to her and loved her all my life, and she's been my best friend (for many years my only friend), I don't know how to get out of this mentality of being dominated by her. Also she's a total ditz and it gets annoying. Also whenever you point out anything that could in any minute way imply that she's anything less than perfectly impeccable in every way, she argues and argues and argues. There's no winning with her or pointing out anything she's doing wrong. And she won't even necessarily argue rationally. She'll say whatever she has to to have the last word, whether it makes sense or not. And she'll say something that implies one thing, then she'll say the opposite if it's convenient, and if you call her out on it you'll just go down the rabbit hole because there will be more and more contradictions, each time you call her out on one she'll add to the confusion, and it gets hard to call her on her BS because you forget exactly what she said, you just know that whatever she said it led you to believe the opposite of what she's saying or implying now.. well, the last few things I just said don't necessarily happen when you argue with her about something she got wrong, they happen during normal conversation. Half the times you talk to her she's a total mindfuck. I've learned to be resigned and not call her out on anything that seemingly doesn't make sense, or even ask her what she means.

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