A Pokemon · 3mo

Can you tell us more about how your gills work? And maybe lungs?

Well, as I think I’ve mentioned before, the necklace around my neck has an enchantment that allows the wearer to breathe in any environment. For me, that’s fresh water circulating around my mouth like a mask. It opens up if I inhale through my nose, if I speak, or exhale. That water gets sucked in through my mouth when I breathe, and like a fish, I push it out through my gills(very sensitive organs…!) to filter oxygen. That water ends up at my neck, where the mask ends, and circulates the water back up to my mouth, purifying any toxins as well as re-oxygenating the water. And from there, the cycle continues.

It actually even works underwater, funnily enough, so I can swim in things like dirty lakes, long as the dangers aren’t bad for my skin as well.

And my lungs, they’re vestigial, due to mutation- my ancestors were blessed by a sea patron- think of it like, a Charizard actually evolving gills, fins, changing to a water types, and living underwater, that sort of thing. It’s something that’s passed down, and as of present, my lungs, as well as some others related to me, they’re just vestigial. They basically don’t work. So my lung capacity isn’t the same as other pokemon- even for non water-types.

It’s only really enough to speak- without the necklace, I wouldn’t be able to survive on land.

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