A Pokemon · 2mo

So... I don't want this question to be seen as offensive or anything. I'm honestly curious. From what I gathered from your backstory, you are a female to male trans, who lived their early life with a lot of rough and tumble brothers. That said, you still keep a lot of traditionally 'feminine' apparel and presentation, and you still keep your original sexual organs intact.

Is there a particular reason you disagree with a feminine moniker for a masculine one? Even one that would lean towards a 'tomboy' ascetic? I guess I am trying to understand the seemingly firm stance on a masculine identity when you seem satisfied with everything else... And I don't think anyone would bat an eye persay of you keeping a feminine moniker and still enjoying the things you do and the outlook you have on life.

I don’t really wear much more than my circlet and my necklace, though I do have a suit and tie set aside for any formal occasions I’ve been invited to. Which isn’t often, to be honest. I uh, generally sneak into those things. Most of the time there’ll be someone who can vouch for my by the time I end up getting caught! But yeah, not many clothes. Any other traditionally feminine apparel is generally for… bedroom activities. Or the rare times I need to flaunt a bit of deception for one reason or another.

As for the whole transitioning thing, I just fell in with a crowd, which yeah, did include my siblings, and while I did initially consider a tomboyish angle, as soon as I started toying with a different set of pronouns, it changed things. Made me feel things: a sense of belonging, for one- as well as uh, certain things. I liked being called a boy… and I mean, really liked it.

After that, I started acting even more boyish, and while I didn’t realize my true self at first, it came to a head at a rave, where uh, apparently, the guests, some of whom I hadn’t even met, were under the impression I was just another guy. So, you can imagine that was wildly embarrassing for a couple of hours, but I just… went with it. After all the festivities were over, I just didn’t go back, either. No one asked any questions, not even so much as an “Are you sure?”.

Also helps that I liked doing boy things, and almost explicitly (though not exclusively) boy things, and eventually that sort of clued me in that it was what I really wanted. So here I am.

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