Anonymous Coward Β· 7mo

Your Zolu content is always my favorite thing in the world, it feels like I'm a dog waiting for treats whenever you post zolu content >~<

If I may ask, what's your zolu origin story? How'd you come to like these two idiots (affectionate)?

Thank you for allowing us to ask you questions, and keep up the great art! πŸ’œ

Hello! ✨

Oh gosh! I'm happy to hear that πŸ₯ΊπŸ’–πŸ’–

Origin story... hmmmm..... It's been so long I may have forgot already as to how I liked them.
But it's really no surprise for me liking them, since back then I have always LOVED bestfriends to lovers trope.

Lavi x Allen
Zack x Cloud
Ryuji x Rin
Heiji x Shinichi
Gray x Natsu

and many other more!
So long as I see that they are THE best friends. or the meant to be besties, I immediately go πŸ‘€
For many, it can be boring but I do not care! I will own being boring! + _ +)9 If it means I get to experience cute aggression !

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