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A good bun (and sometimes food)


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Mysterious Voice · 1y

Just stumbled upon your profile because you liked one of my posts. Love seeing a pretty thing like you reduced to a messy splat on someone else's wall. Enjoy the rest of your life as dried up cum.

Mysterious Voice · 1y

Is it really only sometimes food?

It...uhhh... it means...

Look, it has no control over the fact it can just be grabbed and gobbled up whenever, which makes it food >//>

Mysterious Voice · 1y

Hay I'm gay do you like pegging

I do like being on the receiving end yes! Never actually tried on the giving end

Mysterious Voice · 1y

Congratulations on coming out as trans! Now I'm going to stuff you somewhere you'll never come out of.

Mysterious Voice · 1y

How many eggs fit up the bun?

Are we talking regular eggs? Easter eggs? Dragon eggs?

Either way, the answer is "yes"

Ibzan · 1y

Happy birthday! Your present is getting to live today. My birthday is tomorrow, and you can be my present <3

Wooohoo! Another day I can do bunny things!

W-wait, what was that about tomorrow? And what are these gift tags in my ears?

Arthur Dithers Tayra · 1y

Oh, hi! Um... thoughts on suspension bondage?

It's one of those things that I've not thought about much! I see it occasionally and think 'that's hot' but it doesn't live rent free in my mind

Mysterious Voice · 1y

being fragile just makes you more fun to break

Mysterious Voice · 1y

because you might be cute and soft but you'll be cuter and softer as pudge on my body, and you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs

Mysterious Voice · 1y

just as an FYI, I would utterly destroy you without a second thought given the chance

Mysterious Voice · 1y

TMI Tuesday? More like I'm going to erase you from existence with my tummy Tuesday

Leads right into 'Eternity on the Waist Wednesday'... not that I'd get to see it if you manage to catch me >//>

Mysterious Voice · 1y

Henlo, yes, would you like to donate some useless size in key areas to a tiger who'd make better use of it? ;)

Sounds like a very worthy cause! I'm sure that this will be a one time deal and can't possibly continue until there is nothing left to donate. >///>

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