Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 8mo

Do you go by nemesis?

 I go inactive for personal reasons for a while and get greeted by this. No, I don't, and never have. My main name has and always will be Adam. I'd appreciate if anyone bothering my girlfriend also stopped harassing her, because I was the one who provided her current Retrospring URL. I was briefly associated with Macalo which is how I came to obtain it, but we didn't talk much and I had unadded idol long before ... what ever happened. My girlfriend has a lot on her plate, is new to this sort of community (At this point, I feel bad for introducing her), and I frankly am tired of getting roped into drama I have no part in both on- and offline. With all due respect (Which is none), find someone else to bother if you're so bored.

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