Goblin · 2mo

Im a FireAlpaca user and love the texture of your brush. Saw you answered somewhere what kind ypu used but can't find it anymore. Can I ask what specific brushes you use and maybe their settings?
Also, I seriously love your characters and story so far, made me consider making my own ocs for this type of thing since new to it =w=

alright, so I can't tell u the exact names of them on the store (Except the pebble one) Cuz I always change their name to remember which looks like what, and I also change them a lot after picking em up from the store 😭
But here's a folder w all of the ones I use most: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AyX1XYJx-n_MeDuAEQGgq4P3s1u50TPV?usp=sharing
The ones that are just rectangles are ones I made myself out of random PNG's I got off te internet, so honestly just look up rectangles lmao 😂

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