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Anonymous Coward · 1y

I understand what ur saying, but ur now equating talent with making music that is captivating, again there is no correlation between the two (many artists who are less vocally talented but are influential), it still stands that drawing a correlation between 'talent' and 'personally captivating music' is still an objectively wrong thing to do respectfully, tbh I think the crux of it is taste difference, but ur phrasing in the initial tweet was poor, especially as u didn't give any examples of what u mean

But see the thing is it’s not wrong bc it’s how I felt! I actually didn’t have to phrase it any type of way bc it was a tweet for myself and my mutuals understood exactly what I was saying anyhow. I’m not a celebrity or the president I’m a regular music enjoyer. For me there is correlation bc quite frankly some of these sound like songs they would give to someone just to say they did it. Someone who people are unsure of.

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