Magical Eden · 1 answer · 2y

Do you think one of the reasons they made Fami was to point out that she might get her own series if Toei were to decide giving Doremi another entry (like in Precure)? Bc I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case at that time, I love how Fami is like a combination between Doremi & Hazuki’s personality; which is what I think it inspired Tsubomi & her unique Precure-Protag personality & character traits

It may have been the case that Toei was keeping their cards on the table in the event that Precure was not a success. Got to think Naisho was in 2004 as Futari wa was in the middle of airing so they could have pivoted back to Doremi if they needed to.

Precure did end up being a success early on which led to the additional seasons being commissioned (although by Fresh its future was also in doubt). One thing to note is the LNs being a thing allowed for a lot of the smaller loose ends (Dokkan 40 being a notable one) getting expanded upon somewhat, not sure if they did anything with Naisho 13 though!

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