Anonymous Coward · 1y

how did you get into drawing? I wanna know more about the artist behind the rat

Ooooh... It was christmas 2016, when my parents got me my graphic tablet (I still use it). Before that I didn't really draw, I couldnt draw whatsoever, but I was playing a game called Howrse.
In this game you could get a paid currency if you drew illustrations of horses, and submitted them (and they got selected), hence why I asked my parents to get me the tablet.

When I got it I immediately started drawing horses... and I did draw only ever that (and few landscapes). I kept drawing horses for over a year, with like 5 horrendous Love Live illustrations and somewhere in the middle-ish of 2017 to 2018, I decided I wanna draw my own WEBTOON... jesus.

So I created characters (my OC's) a ""story"" and started drawing... I'd draw every day and the arts would look absolutely awful (I still have majority of them...). That was throughout whole highschool till 2019.

At the beginning of 2019 I got into RWBY fandom, in the middle of the year graduated highschool and started working full time in my new job. It was tiring and I hated it, and my only solace I had every evening, was the few hours I had of free time to draw... So I drew. At that time I had tumblr and would post all my art there (mostly RWBY shipping art). In that time quality of my art skyrocketed suddenly, because I'd draw without a fail everyday.

Then in 2020 corona joined the chat and I was fired from my job. Sometimes before that I was forced to leave tumblr due to excess toxicity and created my twitter account. Frequency of my art dropped together with my will to care about RWBY little by little. Somewhere in the middle of 2020 I dropped RWBY and found myself without any inspiration to draw... what do I draw?

So... I created new OC's in new story and decided to make another WEBTOON ... AGAIN?!
That one didn't really get anywhere, It was just an escape to draw something... (It helped tho.)

Then... at the end of 2020 I watched Revstar but that was it... Nothing serious.
Then I drew Maya once for my friends Kaosi and Alle cuz I'd see them talk about the show a lot (and I happened to like this one character in there)... Then I have absolutely no idea what happened but I spiraled down the Mayakuro.

And the rest... you know haha, it's now. :P

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