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Drew & Wright Productions

We're just two friends who like to share our thoughts and creations. Sometimes lewd, other times just fun. Hopefully you'll find what you like here.

Two countries at the same time.
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Have a burning question for your favorite Coastline Character? Drop an ask here!


Random Citizen · 1y

which guy has the most girth? they all look cute

First off, we're glad you appreciate the guys. They deserve love too, lol.

Now if you're referring to general girth? Out of the current cast that's been shown? Carter & Yari are competing for the bulkiest/widest.

...but if you're talking about "girth" (which we assume you are), believe it or not? It's Kenji.

~ Wright

Random Citizen · 1y

What are lulu's favorite hobbies?

Lulu likes singing, dancing, video games, parties, conventions, practicing martial arts, etc.

She's also kind of a class clown so there's that, lol.


Random Citizen · 1y

Would Claire son Boston make a appearance in the future?

Random Citizen · 1y

Whats Scarlett’s deal besides having games and gams? What makes her one of the thirstiest girls on the Coastline?

I mean, she's super thirsty. lol

Scarlett sometimes will thirst over her friends boyfriends. Of course she'll never cross that line, but...she's been checked every now and then.

Outside of that, I guess Scarlett is decently into cosplay.


Random Citizen · 1y

Yari is lucky to be surrounded by all that ass how did he even get in the group and has he smashed at least one ?

Random Citizen · 1y

who is lorraine's fav basketball player?

If you're asking in regards to professional basketball?

Her favorite ABA player (the NBA was consolidated by the ABA in the Coastline Chronicles universe) would obviously be Kobe. Her favorite WABA (WNBA would be the WABA as a result of the merger) player would be Candace Parker.

But outside of that? Probably her dad, Marlon.

Everything she knows about ball she learned from him, and is the reason she initially attended university on an athletics scholarship.

She even wore his jersey number (#22) when she played.

~ Wright

ZorbzTheWarrior · 1y

Will Barb get a boyfriend?

Random Citizen · 1y

If each of the guys and gals were a D&D class, what would they be?

Random Citizen · 1y

What would you rate Crystal and Barb each on a scale of to 10?

Depending on the day?

I'd rate Barb a 7, 7.5 out of 10 and Crystal an 8.5, 9 out of 10.

That said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and how we might feel about the characters will often be different from how you feel.

~ Wright

Random Citizen · 1y

What can you tell me about Aimu?

Depends on what exactly do you want to know, lol.

Did you want to know about Yari being her older fraternal twin-brother? Or did you want to know about her being a black belt in Kyoukushin Karate?

The possibilities are (somewhat) endless.

~ Wright

Random Citizen · 1y

What’s Barb’s favorite way to rebel against “The Man”

Well, Barb will sometimes partake in vandalism (of which she has been arrested for), blasting her band's music in wealthy suburban areas (of which she's received noise complaints for), and generally being a pain to anyone she thinks is too high and mighty for their own good (because she's too lazy to put any meaningful effort).

She once tried her hand at making a rap mixtape but stopped after her engineer told her that her bars were a "two-pack of ass".

~ Wright

Random Citizen · 1y

Not a character question but which of the avatars is Drew and which one is Wright

'Drew' is the avatar wearing glasses and sandals.

'Wright' is the avatar wearing a beanie and headphones.

Probably should've clarified that a while ago, lol.

~ Drew & Wright ~

Random Citizen · 1y

Do jared and wally get along ?

Jared is pretty protective of Adele, so he isn't the most welcoming to Wally and felt he didn't have her best interests in mind.

...and to be fair, Wally does need to mature a bit more, lol.


Random Citizen · 1y

How did jared and terri meet ?

Terri first met Jared while he was still working at a mechanic shop after her car broke down. During this time, things were sort of cordial (although Terri would sometimes fake car trouble to see him) but didn't really go anywhere due to Terri's dad not being the biggest fan at the time.

Things didn't get serious until Jared decided to attend college for his engineering degree, where he found out Terri was the TA for one of his general ed. courses.

One thing led to another, and now they're married with a kid.

~ Drew & Wright ~

Random Citizen · 1y

Wich characters can do a standing back flip?

Characters that can do a standing backflip eh?

Out of the characters we've revealed to the public; Aimu, Deion, Lars, Lulu & Wally can all do a standing backflip.

Kenji is athletic enough to do a backflip, but he gets scared and either A) does that weird half-jump or B) just falls onto his stomach.

~ Wright

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