Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Oomfie · 7mo

Imagine watching someone's taut, cum-bloated sphere of a gut soften as their digestive system kicks in, gently sinking down and gurgling contentedly as the liquid tension gives way to rolls upon rolls of cushioning fat. Imagine their limbs becoming more and more vestigial, buried amidst their endless layers of flab and forgotten in the face of this person's new existence as a gargantuan fuckblob. Imagine their tits swelling and their thighs fattening, vast wobbling expanses of flesh that beg to be groped and squeezed. Imagine this moaning, immobile blimp of a person, begging to be fucked even fatter until their limbs sink out of view entirely.

... nothing other than that, I just wanted you to imagine this.

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