Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

🐳 silly goobers 🦈 · 11mo

Hi, I'm the person who asked you if I could modify one of your works, I just finished it and I wanted to share it with you in case you would like to use it or something more than anything so you can see what it was used for, thank you very much for allowing me to use a little bit of your description and for letting me base it on one of your works.

I understand that it can be used in both English and Spanish so I think there will be no problem in that fact although if there is a mistake you can always tell me after all it is your job and not mine 100%.

Hi! Thanks for crediting me, and thanks for sharing the link :)) It looks really good! <3
I checked your profile, and I actually follow you! I really like your bots :3

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