Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

·˚ ΰΌ˜β‚ŠΒ· β˜… π™Žπ™–π™’!! Β· 3 answers Β· 10mo

Dude... so–
Today i had invited my friend over to my house (i like like them btw and she doesn't know.)
So we were watching a movie and there was a part in the movie (The book of life) where a side character praised the villain.. Tell me why this bitch looks at me and goes "You also look like the type of guy to like to be praised." ... I BEG YOUR FUCKING PARDON?! How did you knoβ€” Anyway i laughed it off haha funny haha but like fucking christ 😭😭
We're close just not the close that i WANT. πŸ˜­πŸ’”

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