Buah · 27d

halo kaak, please sering sering bikin project nulis kayak giniiii hehe, seru bangeet. thank you udah ngasih aku banyak ide dan inspirasi untuk nulis lagi yaa, it means a lot, kalian-kalian yang menulis juga sangat membuat aku tergerak buat nulis lagi, kalian keren! <3

Haloo, terima kasih banyak atas apresiasinya.... It means a lot to us! 🥺 To be able to hold such an event was truly an honor and to hold another will be the greatest opportunity given by all of you.... Terima kasih banyak sudah mau menulis, we're happy that our simple prompt could spark lights through your writings. To all of your writings, even. We’ll look up the things we could do. There’s no definite time for the next one but you can surely count on us. Terima kasih banyak sekali lagi! 🤍

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