Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

┆ponytown user﹒♡ · 4mo

HELLOOO its casino/dealer that dockie thats always at the signs ... luv ur skin(s) i think theyre so fire and its always a joy seeing you around (esp off docks omg). THAT BEING SAID!! i wanna know what ur favorite movie is... hehehe -🎲

BDSHSDHD ahhh!! Tysm!! It's a joy seeing you too!
As for your question, I'm not sure what my favorite movie is. It's often hard for me the rank them since they differ in genre so much. ATM I'd probobly say Blade, since Blade was the most recent movie I watched and really liked. Blade is fucking awesome I love Blade. I love comedies and I love action movies, that's my go to stuff!

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