Anonymous Coward · 2y

I noticed hc keeps blaming himself for what happened (he also implied this when him and mk were forced to spend the day together) and I hope the team or anyone rly is able to help him understand that he had no fault in this :(((

Yeah, he does sort of blame himself for it, you're right. It's really hard for people, who have gone through something like he has, to realize that it isn't their fault. Obviously, it isn't, at all. Anyone who goes through something like that is certainly not at fault. It's the person who committed the crime, who should be blamed. It's also a lot harder when you're a child/teenager. You don't want to seem stupid or like you walked right into it (even though you weren't and you didn't). As someone who has dealt with SA before, it's almost a natural response to blame yourself because you think back on it and go, "How did I not notice? How did I walk right into that? All the signs were there." Donghyuck just has to go through the motions until he realizes that, no, nothing about that situation was his fault. He was a child and that person was an adult and they should have been trustworthy. He has such a good support system around him now and I have no doubt that, in time, he'll discover that and learn to know it definitely wasn't his fault.

Wow...I went on a bit of rant there. I'm sorry! haha

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