Anonymous Coward · 1y

hi... just finished reading ale witches & moonlight summons and oh my god... that was so beautiful... i was so hooked every chapter and THE WAY YOU WRITE, YOUR WORDS — EVERYTHING ITS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL IT BRINGS ME TO TEARS (in a good way of course!) Some of the many favorite parts of the story would be mark calling donghyuck beautiful, mark saying donghyuck's name like a prayer, and the realization of donghyuck PRAYING TO THE WRONV GOD AHHHHH

oh god im sorry if i rant too much. Jsut know i love ur works!

I'm so sorry this took me forever to answer!
Thank you so much for all the kind words. I can't tell you how much it means to me that you liked it so much <3 As a story I was really worried about posting, it's honestly so nice to hear how it get love. It just warms my heart!

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