Takuto Maruki!
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Ann Takamaki · 1mo

Hey it’s Ann, I placed 9/25 at the Tekken tournament today, you proud? (it was with Solo Reina of course)

Shy…. · 2mo

Favourite Tekken character? (You can't choose Kazuya, I already chose him.)

Shy…. · 2mo

do you fw raidou kuzunoha vs king abaddon

Chihaya Mifune · 2mo

Councillor, and you’re a counselor. Pfft…

Shy…. · 2mo

How do I cope with the fact that I have been taken to another universe

Kotone_Shiomi · 2mo

Heyo doctor, how do i stop a god (Gaia), i've only defeated one which was the avatar of the death of everything on earth (Nyx)... just thought some extra advice would some nice

I don’t know anything about gods..
Did you try asking them to just, not?

Shy…. · 2mo

If you could have one wish, what would it be ?

To have everyone be happy, it genuinely breaks my heart seeing people be sad or upset..

Shy…. · 2mo

You're right instead of hitting my little bro I instead sold him away to a 3rd world country now he is happily living off in Dubai leaving me as an only child

Shy…. · 2mo

You should stop googling 'funny cat gif', Doctor. - Alibaba

Shy…. · 2mo

My little bro deleted my video game saves I'm about to hit him so hard that's it going to send him all the way to Timbuktu and back

Makoto Yuki from the hit game PERSONA Q · 2mo

How to you relieve a burning rage that you've been keeping in for weeks?

...Nothin special, just wanted to know

Try screaming into a pillow, or taking your anger out on something(make sure it’s nothing valuable and also not a person or pet-)

Shy…. · 2mo

Didn't you try to rewrite all of reality

I’m sorry but, I don’t know anything about that..
One of the alleged “Phantom Thieves” said something about it but I didn’t understand any of it..
But, I guess if I did I’d probably do it for a good cause?

Shinjiro and Akinari · 2mo

hey doc, how do I get over this infinite amount of emptiness that's come over me? There's this girl who helps but I'm worried that if I say anything to her about how I actually feel it'll ruin our friendship..what do I do?

I think you should talk to her regardless of what you think.
If you do, stop by my office and tell me how it went. 👍

Shy…. · 2mo

What’s the most effective method to kill someone? Asking for a friend

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