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anon · 1y

If you could be a pokemon in the mystery dungeon universe, what would you be and what kind of role would you play? would you join a rescue team, own a shop, deliver mail etc?

I've really been hyperfocusing on worldbuilding my PMD region lately so this is really the perfect question to ask me right now.... (are u one of my server friends lol)

AS FOR THE ANSWER: I'm gonna be realistic and say that I'd probably take up a community job such as a painter for shops/team bases/news articles/mail designs, etc! it's the most like what I do now, and I probably wouldn't be a flying type or athletic Pokemon that could deliver mail, climb mountains, etc. I can see myself being a grass type so perhaps I'd be an agriculturalist as a hobby, or contribute to community gardens.

I love the idea of exploring but would probably prefer not doing so in dungeons cause I'm the type to complain at every inconvenience and avoid dangerous situations or places rather than delve into them. But maybe I'd get to explore with a team sometime haha, I'd be an escort mission for funsies. Or perhaps I'd enjoy traveling just to map areas outside of dungeons and paint the landscape!

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