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anon · 1y

HII I looove all ur character designs and anatomy aaa!!!
How did you learn like proportions of the body and all that?! Ur like a big art inspo and i'm struggling with drawing bodies x(

I'm mostly self-taught with anatomy specifically, I've never taken anatomy/figure-drawing classes but I feel I could benefit from them. It's mostly been practicing for years, training my eye enough to look at my art and see what I need/want to improve, and learning how I like to stylize anatomy. There are so many great anatomy drawing resources out there, doing studies, drawing from life, pulling techniques from artists you like, can all help. Just keep at it!

realism isn't the end goal for everything, draw anatomy how you like, I've seen lots of unique stylizations of bodies (both human and anthro) which I am inspired by, including: drawing hands large and blocky, drawing thighs/legs long and with big feet (often paired with some awesome perspective work which I also need to work on), different ways to stylize inner ears...

also it's very good to keep in mind that anatomy isn't the same across the board, exaggerate proportions for uniqueness and silhouette, make features large/small/crooked (my personal fave with this is noses/snouts), draw tummies differently (fat lays differently even on ppl who are the same weight), stretch and thin areas, long vs. short faces.... I'm definitely still working on pushing the unique features in characters myself

this is all just me drabbling on of course. and thank you for the high praise! I love character designing and I'm glad that what I make can inspire others

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