Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Haven. · 6 answers · 1y

What would you do, something like coping mechanism when you feel empty and not enough?

Truthfully, I lack a clear-cut coping mechanism that's immediately apparent, and I struggle to effectively communicate the emotions brewing inside me. :___) As a result, when faced with such moments, I tend to seek refuge in activities that keep me occupied. Whether it's immersing myself in the process of cooking, diving into articles discussing my favorite news topics, or engaging in other tasks, these endeavors serve as a means to distract myself from the overwhelming thoughts and feelings that I find challenging to express or manage. Essentially, these activities become my way of creating a mental space, steering me away from thoughts that might otherwise dominate my mind. 🧑🏻‍💻

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