Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hi, i'm kinda new here, so i don't really know much about your work yet. But what made you into making arts? Would you tell me a little bit about that buff dino OC of yours called Largo? I became so obsessed with buff/muscle art lately, and i Just want to know him better. Also, how's your day going my friend? I hope it goes well, but Just wondering. I hope i don't ask to many questions! ^^

I'm doing, im mainly got into thanks to the anime I watched as a kid. I didn't start drawing until I was in tho, that was when I was into Pokemon and housamo.

Also about largo. He first started out as a buff version of my fursona (dyno) but then I decided to make him his own unique character.

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