Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to ask this, but do you particularly dislike any ships in ph or vnc?

No problem at all, I'm quite open about it! For VnC nothing in particular comes to mind right now, probably any ship with Roland and Olivier that is not them together... nothing specific I think. PH is a whole other thing - I dislike every ship with Elliot or Leo that is not just them together, Gilbert and Oz, Vincent and Ada or Vincent and Break (any Break ship other than Break and Shelly honestly), Oz and Alice (any Oz ship that isn't Oz and Echo), Gilbert and Alice (any Alice ship cause I don't like her so I can't really see her anywhere)... and I think that's all? I have some very specific PH ships and I dislike everything else,,,

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