Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Are there any interesting initial ideas that inspired you and your friend to create your Pandora Hearts au? Any fun facts or cool settings that you've been wanting to add to the following storyline? :3

Well this was born and still is mostly an Elleo AU, that grew to include almost any PH character here and there, so we started there. The Baskerville as an old vampire family has been there forever for me, then VnC happened and I genuinely don't remember if we decided for Elliot to be a chasseur or a dham first, probably it all happened on the same day. Back then VnC was just at the beginning so we took the dhams, Altus and the chasseurs and literally made up everything else - which is why we're so strong about it not being a VnC AU in any possible way.
What we wanted was an AU with the slowest burn ever for Elleo and that's still very much the core of it, but there's also a lot more!!
There's a plot for anyone of the Baskerville main family, there'll be a lot of balls, fancy places and even a school setting for a bit and the human world - truly I can't wait - so it won't get boring trust me uwu
Fun facts are that I managed to keep all my favorite ships, even those I only care about like Levi/Jack and Kevin/Shelly, that we came up with a way to make dham live longer Because We Said So and that we also came up with a complete explanation of our own on how vampire marks work and what they do because: it's sexy LOL

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