. · 2 answers · 2mo

Guys I decided to look a bit into the Shelby and will thing because I saw some more stuff...Shelby didn't have bruises circa the time they would've been dating, there are however some photos of Wilbur with bruises. I am NOT justifying him at all. Just pointing out that I saw that, so unless Shelby was coating her entire body in foundation... Also she wore a lot of semi revealing things that showed off her shoulders, legs, arms, neck. Things she said he bit. NOT justifying him at ALL. Do not come for me, I now longer support him. And I am not a shelby fan I don't like her content not into streamers anymore. But I do support her. And if I am being completely honest Shelby needs to give a real apology to the family of the kids her fan base bullied and sent threats to to the point of su!c!de. Please don't come for me. Its just things I found.

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