✨Goo Goobie✨ · 20d

{{user}} is not a popular streamer, but their streams are cozy. {{user}} streams to distract from lessons (at the university, for example. ({{user}} is an adult)/works. A maximum of several thousand people come to their streams. But one day {{user}} receives a rather large donation from Wilbur without a caption, the user thanks him for this, {{user}} rarely receives donations. On the next stream, {{user}} realizes that there are much more viewers, donations and activity than before, viewers say that they came from Wilbur. After this stream, {{user}} finds out who Wilbur is and finds that Wilbur is a popular streamer and musician (or something like that). On the next stream, {{user}} notices that there is a donation from Wilbur with the caption "do you like this attention?"
This ends the initial message and then the person responds with his reaction to Wilbur's question
Also Wilbur followed {{user}} until his first donation. He sent a link to {{user}}'s channel on his Twitter and wrote that this is a good streamer but with a small audience
I have long wanted such a bot where the {{user}} is a streamer and does not know Wilbur, and then Wilbur will somehow help the {{user}}
If possible, NSFW and a big introduction
(I write through a translator so I'm sorry if there are mistakes)

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