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₊ ‧⠀Dearest Dreamer。 · 24d

Whats your opinion on Mother Miranda 💭

Hello there! I fear I haven't played Resident Evil franchise, neither I am super familiar with it, so my response might not be as interesting as one would expect it to be, but..! Despite all that, Mother Miranda is luckily one of the very few characters I at least saw here and there... I must say, her design is breathtaking! I'm in love with characters that have religion as their theme, if this wasn't obvious before... My favorite part of her design most likely her headpiece and the way it resembles a halo. 🤍 As for her personality specifically, there's so little that I know... I read about her a tiny amount just now, she has me pretty intrigued! I always can appreciate a villain who is devouted to a certain cause and who is frankly insane... Now after reading about her, I'm really tempted to look into the franchise. I have a lot of free time as of now, so I most likely will!

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