Eliot Lime
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Anonymous · 2mo

R frog and pop rocks toxic yaoi

Anonymous · 2mo

aba lying on top of para and sighing loudly and dramatically because she’s upset she can’t merge their cells together. the physical contact is Not Enough she needs to crawl inside his ribcage. meanwhile para’s thinking “why is she sticky”. also semi related i think he actually digs the way she smells like a handful of pennies, like to a mortifying degree

YESSS i think he likes the metallic smell because it's like blood in a weird way. Also big agree on aba just.. needing to live in his skin. I also really can't stop thinking that if para does get a body it'll probably be both of their first experience physically interacting with another "person" that's not outright violence. That is unless aba learns not to be weird about making friends with the other GG characters haha.

I've also been thinking how aba probably has dreamt about being hugged back by para and how if he gets a body and hugs her back she's going to pass out from joy LOL

Anonymous · 2mo

Laughing at the thought of para getting a human body and realizing how bad aba probably smells from lack of self care. But then… thinking of him bathing her like a feral cat (she hisses and scratches) and they’re cutesy in the tub together makes my heart warm.

HAHAHA waait wts that's so cute, tbh I think she probably wouldn't even smell like classically smelly because she dyed her hair, so she's probably SOMEWHAT clean. BUT I do think she has a weird chemically-metalic odour from being a homunculus and also just carrying a bunch of loose keys on her person all the time.

Anonymous · 2mo

hey,,, is it cool if I heavily reference elements of your paracelsus design ?? very big fan of it

you can do whatever you want foreverrr… and also i preddy much took a majority of inspo from ppl online anywayz

Anonymous · 2mo

Thoughts on people using your art as their profile picture? With credit ofc!

Anonymous · 2mo

when para actually gets to touch aba with his very own hands for the first time he plays it off super chill but internally he’s going “my wife is so soft and i love her 😭😭😭”

it's either this or "WOW she's sticky, why is she sticky." REGARDLESS he's going to be SOO fucking tsundere about it, its hilarious.

Anonymous · 2mo

hi, I just saw a drawing of key guy and his wife and now I'm obsessed, could please tell me everything there is to know about them?

Anonymous · 2mo

favorite hard candy flavor? i'm a synthetic watermelon girlie

Anonymous · 2mo

hey is it cool if i use your abapara art as a cover for my playlist (with credit ofc)? your versions of them are my actual fave and they are filling my brain w worms atm

OF COURSE BRO, would love to have a listen to it too if you're willing to share! I'm trying to expand my music scope and also wtf retro spring needs to change their UI i did not see this in my inbox, i'm so used to the tumblr one with the big fat 1 this one is so subtle

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