⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ · 9mo

Miss, hello. I'm sorry for saying this in anon because I'm too shy to say it in person, but I just wanted to say how adorable you are and congratulations on catching my attention and now having my eyes set on you. I love seeing you on my timeline and how you interact with your friends. I wish I could engage with you as well, but I have no words to say because I'm too nervous (maybe) lol. Oke, I suppose that's all I have to say. Maybe someday, if I get the guts, I'll express these compliments to you directly.

Hello, dear sender. It's okay to say this anonymously; it's so cute and heartwarming! But if you feel like ready enough and it's the right time to reveal yourself, I'd be so happy to get to know you too. Who knows, perhaps we can start a good conversation because I want to provide you with proper feedback as well. This is so kind of you for saying these sweet words, you're melting my heart, really. It's like a garden in my heart start blooming and all the stars decided to throw a little sparkle party just for me. Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest person ever. Have a nice day ahead and please take care your health. 🤍

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