⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ · 9mo

Hallo eonnie!!! aku liat eonnie pasang retroapeing jadi mau jadi orang pertama yang isiin 😖 Ydrim eonnie please be happy! soalnya eonnie selalu bikin aku happy terus selama aku kenal eonnie, sepokoknya aku sayang eonnie seratus juta ribu kali!!!!!!! 😆💕

Halo adik manis! {guess i can call you by this since you are calling me unnie, 😉} Nice try eventho some people have stolen your start—but i appreciate it a lot! Thank you for showering me with your love and kind words. I'm so happy as well to have this adorable little sist around me and the feeling goes both ways. May happiness and good people will always surround you, Ilyt, cutie! <33

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