Ahri Boy · 11 answers · 1y

What is the origin of your Fediverse handles?

Already posted about it before so I'll do the old copypasta here~ :3

So... back around 2012, I used to play on a lot of cracked Minecraft servers before I had a paid account. I used to bounce around between a few usernames as I often got banned for xray and such. I was just a kid having fun! I started using the username of Epicness for a while, which then became Epicness2 as almost a taunt, which then became EpicnessTwo.

I stuck with EpicnessTwo for quite some time and started playing more fairly so this account handle became my main.

Flash foward to 2013-2014, I started getting into modded Minecraft, especially a mod called ComputerCraft. I used to be active on the forums and noticed they had IRC which was kinda new to me so I joined and used the handle of EpicnessTwo on there too.

I eventually got familiar with IRC and explored other channels, eventually starting #epic which is the origin for Land of Kittens.

During one of the chats that we had in #epic, someone noticed my love for cats and made a joke that I should be EpicKitty instead of EpicnessTwo so I switched my nick to that and it just kinda stuck.

Nearly 10 years later, I'm still using it as my main handle!

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