Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Hy.. kamu inget sama sender yang kena hate sama ex partner fwa? Aku balik.. to be honest aku masih mikirin sama ex partner ku dan teman2nya. Aku takut banget buka Twitter dan acc lainya, takut di hujat aja. May I know how you stop feeling like this? I feel scared, KESEL BANGET, GAA ENAK BANGET. How do you stop this feeling? You seems to move on, please tell me how.. terima kasih 🙏🏻

Hi, sender! Hows your day? Mau ngobrol sama Bibi di DM aja? Biar enak kita ngobrolnya, Bibi tunggu yaaa!

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