Ra. · 10 answers · 1mo

Kalau tiba-tiba ada yang confess, what’s your answer?

Bicarain baik baik duluu, if we have same feeling/interest. Lalu baru deh bisa deketan ><

Sorry we are not matched for being couple, how about being good partner in the bed? ☺️

I will say thank you for having the courage to confess, I really appreciate that.

"Thank you for the feeling that you have for me. But currently I'm not seeking for any commitment, so I hope you understand it and can find someone better than me."

Pertama-tama, bilang makasih dulu. Lalu selanjutnya tergantung gimana perasaanku ke orang tersebut. Kalau aku juga suka, aku akan bilang suka. Kalau engga, aku akan minta maaf.

Kalau orangnya kebetulan gue juga suka, ya gue confess balik. But if I don't have feelings, I will just say thank you and appreciate the statement.

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