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Lian · 19 answers · 10mo

Side quest time~! You stare at an orb on a pedestal, ponder it for a moment. It can take away any part of yourself you don't like, but you'd have to fight a shade of yourself for it to work.

What aspect would you excise, what form would it take, and how would you fight it?

Ive been mulling over this for a day and theres nothing i feel id want to excise really... Like maybe body hair but thats not a huge issue for me.

Instead what i think about is the collection of things that make up my persoality, even my procrastination and AuDHD feel integral to my personality.

What id want instead is the ability to remonlve my autistic mask. To know for certain what i am without it.

The orb/shade would probably laugh at me... "If im not being taken away permanently than you shall carry me with you always" brought along as a mask like Majora's.

In a way it feels very "wizard of earthsea"

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